If you had income from Austria, the way to get your taxes back is to file a tax return. The easiest step is to fill out our online form.
You want to file a tax return in Austria, but you are afraid or you will fill in the form correctly and correctly. In this case, you can contact us by phone, where we will explain what documents need to be sent by e-mail and you do not have to fill in anything.
In order to file a tax return in Austria, you need to have a Lohnzettel receipt, or this certificate is also called an L16 form.
Most nannies in Austria work on a trade and sometimes their income exceeds the minimum amount of € 11,000. In this case, they are also required to file a tax return in Austria. Feel free to contact us in this case.
If you have not separated in Austria for a whole year and you have paid income tax advances, then in such a case it will definitely be worthwhile to apply for a tax refund from Austria. These are mainly seasonal employees, or employees who had more jobs, or part-time workers.
If your income from an Austrian trade exceeds € 11,000, you are obliged to file a tax return in Austria as well. If you work in Austria and are looking for someone to help you with your tax return, we will be happy to contact you.
If you work in Austria, you are entitled to family benefits in Austria. Several conditions must be met, such as having a temporary stay in Austria or staying there for more than half a year. For more information we will be happy if you contact us.