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OfficeMartin Vrábel Marwars, A. Sládkoviča 673 018 61 Beluša
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Refund of tax overpayment

Have you worked abroad?Have you worked in Austria?
Babysitters and Self-employed persons

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Tax refunds in Austria?

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Tax refunds from Austria

Employees and Temporary Workers
  • You had an income from a job in Austria and need to file a tax return
  • We can send tax returns in Austria online
  • If you have any questions, you can contact us by phone, we will be happy to advise you
  • Experience with more than 1000 prepared tax returns, all online - see reviews
  • Possibility to request family allowances for children from Austria

Tax refunds from Austria

  • Are you a self-employed person, a lawyer, an intermediary (+ others) and do you need to file a tax return?
  • You rented an apartment, you sold a property
  • You are a nanny or you have personal assistance income
  • Income from capital assets and virtual currency
  • Possibility of electronic filing of tax returns
  • More than 1000 online tax returns
Tax refunds from Austria

Who is the tax refund intended for?

  • To a large extent, these are employees who have worked in Austria and have not worked all year and are entitled to a tax refund.
  • If you have worked for two or more employers at the same time, you are most likely entitled to a Austrian tax refund
  • In some cases, the Austrian tax office will ask you to file a tax return, in which case you can contact us
  • You don’t have to worry about the Austrian tax return, we will handle all the necessary actions for you, completely online
Ve velké míře se jedná o zaměstnance, kteří pracovali v Rakousku a neoddělali celý rok a vzniká jim nárok na vrácení daně Pokud jste pracovali u dvou a více zaměstnavatelů současně, tak s velkou pravděpodobností máte nárok na vrácení daně z Rakouska V některých případech Vás rakouský daňový úřad vyzve k podání daňového přiznání, v takovém případě se můžete obrátit na nás S rakouským daňovým přiznáním se nemusíte trápit, všechny potřebné úkony vyřídíme za Vás a to zcela online

Tax refunds from AustriaTax tips and advice in Austria
  • To draw up your income tax return from Austria, you should receive an annual income statement from your employer, called Lohnzettel, or an L16 form in short.
  • A huge advantage over our system is that you can apply for a tax refund from Austria within five years, unlike when you have to file a tax return by the end of March. This means that you can claim a tax refund from Austria for the last 5 years.
  • The Austrian tax office will refund your tax approximately 2-5 months from the filing of the tax return in Austria
  • If you want to return taxes from Austria and you are a resident of another country, such as Slovakia, you must have a confirmed form E9, where the amount of worldwide income is confirmed by the Czech tax office on the basis of the submitted tax return.

Frequently asked questions

1. I am an employee and I want to file a tax refund from Austria.

If you had income from Austria, the way to get your taxes back is to file a tax return. The easiest step is to fill out our online form.

2. I'm worried about filling out the form

You want to file a tax return in Austria, but you are afraid or you will fill in the form correctly and correctly. In this case, you can contact us by phone, where we will explain what documents need to be sent by e-mail and you do not have to fill in anything.

3. What documents do I need to file an income tax return in Austria?

In order to file a tax return in Austria, you need to have a Lohnzettel receipt, or this certificate is also called an L16 form.

4. I work as a nanny and I need to file a tax return in Austria

Most nannies in Austria work on a trade and sometimes their income exceeds the minimum amount of € 11,000. In this case, they are also required to file a tax return in Austria. Feel free to contact us in this case.

5. In which cases is it advantageous to apply for a tax refund from Austria?

If you have not separated in Austria for a whole year and you have paid income tax advances, then in such a case it will definitely be worthwhile to apply for a tax refund from Austria. These are mainly seasonal employees, or employees who had more jobs, or part-time workers.

6. I am a self-employed person and I work for an Austrian trade. I am required to file a tax return

If your income from an Austrian trade exceeds € 11,000, you are obliged to file a tax return in Austria as well. If you work in Austria and are looking for someone to help you with your tax return, we will be happy to contact you.

7. Am I entitled to family allowances when I work in Austria?

If you work in Austria, you are entitled to family benefits in Austria. Several conditions must be met, such as having a temporary stay in Austria or staying there for more than half a year. For more information we will be happy if you contact us.

A. Sládkoviča 673/176
018 61 Beluša
Data on SEP
ID: 46366172
VAT number: 1076568383
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